Christian, the founder of éQuation, launched the first actinote cables in 1998...
25 years later, I still find their main quality, naturalness, unique!
What the subsequent generations brought was improved performances: micro-dynamics, macro-dynamics, transparency, imaging...
The release by actinote of their "reference" cables, the Sinfonia line, was quite unexpected: the price is... substantial, something Christian refused for so long; but here the materials used, and the results, proved to our visitors that the cost is justified... for reference systems.
As always, everyone is welcome to experience it in our auditoriums: bring whatever cable you have in mind, and let's listen!
This is of course true for the other three lines: Mezzo, Aria and Sonata... each possesses that "non-hifi sound" associated with the brand.
Still, matching will always be critical, feel free to ask for advice.
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