My passion for the cinema dates back to my teenage years.
I was a regular at the Cinémathèque de Louvain in Belgium and then, from 1978, at the Cinémathèque Suisse in Lausanne...
I've seen over a thousand films on the 'big screen', and since the advent of home cinema, I've built up a collection of over 3,000 films. Some of them are marvels that would otherwise be impossible to see again; streaming has made many neglected movies available to us, but a film buff will soon discover that the list of movies that are important but impossible to find is very long...
The film itself is more important than the technical qualities, of course... I don't swap my 'old' DVDs for Blu-rays just 'to have the latest'; but some films are magnificent in high-resolution image and sound...
Click here for a few suggestions of films with superb sound.
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