HIFISTAY Mythology Transform Rack

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The HIFISTAY Mythology Transform audio rack was expensive enough to really make me think twice...

Moreover, I spent 22 years refining my own audio rack design, based on a experience starting in the 70's when we released the first vibration management device, the Vecteur cone, then the first audio racks... and, selling it as a courtesy to my customers without any commercial intent, it offers tremendous value for money.

But my curiosity was picked...

So, in Summer 2022, I ordered my first Mythology Transform.

"Stunned" would be an understatement :)

The package is enormous; considering the very high level of manufacturing precision and the weight, it guarantees a safe shipping.

The build quality is "otherworldly", and my preliminary tests were very convincing.

For my local customers, I plan to have this Fall a "Mythology Day" 😉,  where they are invited to bring in their personal rack, we will compare the results with the Mutine and HIFISTAY versions.

An exhaustive description and test has been published in


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